Pilates Inspiration of the Month- Barbara Olson

Inspiration of the Month

barbara 1

March 2013

Barbara Olson

When did you start Pilates and what inspired you to start?

I received a gift certificate for Mother’s Day from my daughter. I was inspired by her love of Pilates. I took my first Intro Class with Carey and really enjoyed it!

Why did you decide to do the 2013 Empower your Body Six Week Challenge?

I was at a plateau with my at-home exercise routine. I wanted something more that included a whole body enrichment regime. The Empower Your Body Challenge sounded like just what I was looking for!

What are some of your favorite things about the 2013 Empower Your Body Challenge?

I look forward to coming to the studio on a regular basis. I currently am taking three classes a week. Carey and Cassie have been very encouraging as have the other students that I have met during the past several weeks. I had only taken a few Pilates classes before the Challenge started so I have been new to most of the exercises. I enjoy the challenges in performing all of the different series and poses. I have balanced out my Pilates classes with the wonderful Yoga classes that are offered by Nicole. She also is a source of inspiration as well as a great teacher of the philosophy of Yoga.

What benefits have you seen by committing to a regular Pilates and Yoga practice?

I have become increasingly more aware of my body and its capabilities! At times I have thought to myself in class “You want me to do what??!!”. It has been fun and I love the challenges! I have experienced many benefits over the last four weeks. My clothes are fitting differently, which is extremely motivating. More importantly I think that I have become stronger and more flexible. My knees, shoulders and back do not seem to ache quite as much. I find that my posture has definitely improved as I am constantly thinking about “engaging”!

Do you have a favorite exercise or piece of equipment (or both)?

I have been searching for a Yoga class for some time that I felt comfortable with. I have found it at Rivercity Pilates Studio!  I also enjoy the entire Pilates experience, both mentally and physically.

What would you say to someone thinking about starting Pilates?

Give it a try!! The private Introductory Class offered by the studio is a wonderful way to learn about the studio and the variety of classes offered there. The instructors are all very skilled and motivating and have created a very positive environment.  I felt welcomed right away!

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