Pilates gets personal!!!!

I’m guessing you’ve never been at the gym doing bicep curls and had your trainer ask you,” How did that exercise feel in your body?”  As a Pilates instructor this is a question I often ask my clients as we work together.  You see,  learning the method of Pilates in your body isn’t just doing the exercises that your told to do, but it’s a process learning about your own body and how to move it as efficiently as possible on any given day.

The learning process that happens is really a 2 way street between instructors and clients.   When I ask a client how something felt I am doinIMG_7081g a couple of things.  First I am asking them to be aware enough of what they are doing to be able to describe how something felt in their body.  Second I want to get a sense of what a movement felt like to them because that’s the best way for me to help them learn that movement and other movements I’ll be introducing to them.

There is no right or wrong way to answer the question as I’m really just wanting to connect with a client so I can help them learn how to move better. There’s so much more to a mind body movement practice like Pilates  than just repeating an exercise and as an instructor I love to connect with clients and help them develop their practice in their bodies and life.

Interested in exploring a mind body practice like Pilates?  At Rivercity Pilates we offer a variety of classes and instructors and would love to help you develop your movement practice.  Try us out today by scheduling a complimentary private session with one of our Pilates or Yoga instructors.   If you prefer to attend a small group class to try Pilates your first class is complimentary.   For more information on what to expect in your first session, click here!



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