Office Pilates Day 19: Where are your Nipples?

“Where are your Nipples?”  Yes, that’s what I said! Sometimes all it takes to find good posture and alignment is a simple little phrase or reminder like, ” Where are your nipples?”

Need a visual of what I’m talking about? You’ll have to use your imagination today – as much as I love sharing a video I didn’t think I could keep a straight face or avoid turning shades of red talking about nipples on camera!!

Imagine instead of nipples you had 2 headlights shining from your chest. If you are shining light down toward the floor, or your desk top then you are probably slouching through your low and upper back, your shoulders are probably hunched forward and your neck is probably strained.  If you headlights are shining directly forward on your computer screen you’re probably sitting tall with your pelvis upright, your shoulders relaxed, and your back and neck lengthened.

Try it out and let me know if this reminder phrase was helpful for you!  Do you have another reminder or cue that helps you find your sitting posture?  I would love to hear it!  Share in the comments below!

Need some ideas on how to find your sitting posture or maybe some props to help you find it? Check out some of the other blogs in our Office Pilates series:


Office Pilates Day 18: Holiday Pilates

Pilates during your holiday gathering? You may not have time or space to sequence through your full Pilates mat workout at your Christmas party( and if you do…we would like to see a picture of that…), but Carey will give you her favorite quick tip to keep your body feeling stretched, lengthened and at least thinking about your alignment and body during the party!!

[tweetthis]Try this #Pilates tip at your next #holiday party! #holidaypilates [/tweetthis]


Office Pilates Day 17: Great Posture with the Half Foam Roller

In today’s office Pilates series Carey shows you her favorite office sitting prop! The small, inexpensive half foam roller can be used in a variety of ways to improve your posture and awareness throughout your work day!!


[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#officepilates”]Use this prop to incorporate #Pilates posture into your work day! #NoOneWillSee![/tweetthis]

For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during your work day, visit any of the links below:

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Office Pilates Day 16: Desk Mermaid

Today’s exercise is a feel good one! Use your Pilates breath and try this a few times throughout your day to create length and movement in your spine and throughout your body!



[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#officepilates #Pilates”]What could be better than doing the #Pilates #mermaid exercise at your desk? [/tweetthis]

For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during your work day, visit any of the links below:

[catlist name=”office-pilates” numberposts=30 pagination=yes instance=1]


Office Pilates Day 14: One Leg Balance

How’s your balance?  If you have a standing desk you can easily stand on one leg and balance and still keep working!! Standing balance exercises will strengthen muscles in your foot, ankle, legs and hips and give you more functional balance throughout your life!

For more ways that you can use the Pilates principles during your work day, visit any of the links below:

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[tweetthis twitter_handles=”#officepilates, #pilates”]Did you know that just standing and balancing builds muscle? [/tweetthis]

Office Pilates Day 13: Use your desk time to stretch and strengthen your feet

In today’s Office Pilates series Carey gives you some exercises you can do at your desk at work to stretch and strengthen your feet and ankles using a small 4 inch ball ( any small ball could work).


For more exercises you can do at your desk, check out our Office Pilates page!

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#officepilates”]You can strengthen your feet and ankles at work with these #Pilates #exercises. [/tweetthis]