Foot therapy with a super bouncy ball!

FullSizeRender(19)  If you are a parent you know exactly what a super bouncy ball is….they usually are fairly small, come in all kinds of fun colors and your kids are fascinated by them! ( at least for the first 10 minutes after they get one) You can pay 50 cents and get one out of the gumball machine or maybe your child earns them as a prize from school or buys one with their tickets at Chuck E Cheese. For the longest time they were an item that I would throw out when the kids weren’t looking and I considered them junk.

[tweetthis]Do your kids bring home bouncy balls? Give yourself a massage with them![/tweetthis]

Then one day I decided to try rolling my foot on one and discovered a whole new use for them!!  Now I keep one under my desks at work and at home and bring them in to the studio to give to clients.  So what do you do with them?

FullSizeRender(17)1. Roll the ball around on the bottom of your foot giving yourself a mini foot massage.  If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, have tightness in your feet or ankles or just want to gain a little more mobility in your foot- this will help!!

2.  You can also strengthen your feet and toes by using your toes like fingers and practice picking up the balls.

3.  Have a tight muscle?  Put the ball in the palm of your hand and roll it around on tight muscles anywhere for a mini massage!!

FullSizeRender(18)The great thing is that these little balls are small, portable and really inexpensive! The Super Bouncy Ball might become your favorite at home pilates prop!!



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